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Object Square, m² Address Designers Year
BMW 285 Rostov-on-Don, 237 Sholohova av. Boris Stadnik, Pavel Kruchkov(AB “Project”)
  • eTSecutive system was used for panel hangings and ceilingsettings Shelves and panels are made from Egger MFC, stage and promo-table are made of acrylic solid stone
Alfa Romeo 150 Rostov-on-Don, 56 Vavilova st. Aleksandr Travin, Anton Chernobaev (AB RIA Center)
  • Front panels are made of Lacobel glass and Termopal HPL “polished still”
  • Internal parts of window cases are made of MDF with glossy varnish”
Audi 60 St. Petersburg, 7 Nevskiy av. Vadim Eniosov (“Ае1” studio)
  • Front panels are made from through-colored MDF in lightning the showcase LED in used, electronic system of closing cases